SMS Mobile Marketing Tips For Your Success

Mobile App Business

SMS messaging is one of the best mobile marketing tactics out there for a variety of reasons. You want to know how you can approach an SMS mobile marketing campaign. One advantage you have already is that it’s fairly simple to employ and very cost effective. All you need is the right information and a little practice in order to get started. Continue reading to find out some SMS mobile marketing tips for your success.

Think keywords! What do your customers want to hear? What are they looking for? You need keywords, and you should already have many in mind thanks to search engine optimization and content efforts via your Internet site. Think about what you offer, and consider any upcoming special promotions.

Your messages need to be very short. They need to have a specific action that you want your customer to take as well. Make sure you use your keywords effectively, and take into consideration your customer’s attention span and phone screen size. Watch your fonts, and your font size as well.

Make sure you give them the option of opting out of your campaign. Don’t let this be disheartening to you. These are existing customers. That is a point that needs to be made. These are people that have voluntarily said that they want messages from you regarding pertinent information.

Just because they opt out doesn’t mean that they are going to stop buying from you. But if you don’t make it easy for them, they could become very irritated and not ever purchase from you again.

You want to make sure that your existing customers want to be a part of your SMS campaign. One good way to do this is by getting them to sign up in steps. Have them fill out the short form, and then they can confirm either by SMS message or by a confirmation email. This is a great way to ensure that they didn’t accidentally put themselves in a situation that is going to irritate them. You don’t want to trick existing customers no matter what.

Make sure you personalize the messages as much as possible. Cater the messages around current events, personal account information, use their name, and much more. SMS messaging is already personal because it hits them wherever they are with their phone. It can make them feel important if you use the right messaging tactics. It can make them feel like they’re receiving spam if you don’t.

Provide them with a nice coupon when you send them a message. This gives you extra business, and it makes them happy. Some will not use it, but others will. This is a very effective strategy.

SMS messaging is a great mobile marketing tactic that can work wonders for your profits. People will also talk about the offers by word of mouth to people that aren’t yet your customers. That can change. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity that is very cost effective.

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